Dag 186 – Atlascorrection – aligning the physical

Yesterday I went for a treatment to Breda. It is called Atlascorrection. It is a treatment of correcting the first cervical vertebra, called the atlas. This vertebra is a little bit more broad than alle the other vertebras laying under it. In 99% of the human the atlas is not laying straight. Meaning, it has two small points which fit exactly in two little holes, but it is not laying in this holes. This has an effect on the whole spine, the hips and pelvis and on the legs, and on different organ- functions because through the hole in the middle of the atlas there are a lot of nerve-paths that do not have enough space if the atlas is laying wry/on one side.

The atlas is having this wry position because of manipulations during birth, other manipulations during life or manipulations because of defensemechanism which triggered a reflective movement within the upper muscles of the neck later in life. Interesting is that it also can be that this atlas is not laying on the right place from birth and that if it is corrected within the woman, there are children born with who it is laying on the right place. They connect it within this with something in the DNA. And after asking some more the woman who treat me says that there is ‘a theory’ that it is programmed like this – the atlas laying wry – by the Annunaki? I am not familiar with the terms they use and which theory is behind this race within other information than through the portal within desteni.

Before going to SA I decided to go to a treatment like this because of different physical complaints that can be related to dysbalance within the atlas and because of my hips that are twisted and getting worse. I saw this treatment, read something about this atlas not straight from birth, and my first impression was, this has something to do with the programming of the mind.

Well I went there, and although it is a woman who is working with terms of Light in her other treatments, she was very straight, clear and practical in her way of speaking and acting and of course only speaking about this atlascorrection because that is what I was coming for. She explained that they give a deep massage to the muscles around the atlas, the muscles can relax and within this the atlas go to the right place, within the small holes, by itself. No manipulation of the vertebras. She also checked first how the atlas is standing and showed me how it was not standing straight with different physical signs that she cross-referenced with each other. Yes it was not straight and yes, this I noticed already for a long time.

The massage is giving with a small machine which goes deep into the muscles, and it hurts! Especially when the muscle is very tight because of the incorrect stand of the atlas, trying to correct the body within this. By me, it always hurts on this place, this is one of the reasons why I knew I had to go there for a treatment. The treatment is short, a few minutes, and she is holding the head with her other arm which gives support in the painfull massage. After the massage she checked again with me and the turning of the head was alligned, the legs where laying in the right possition, I am standing directly more straight and stable in my legs and in more aware in my pelvic, standing more straight on earth. I was a little overwhelmed because of the pain, which afterwards is actually gone besides some sensitivity left of the treated area. My experience is that it is finally standing straight, and not only the spine, but something within my whole body which I was correcting all the time but not able to do so. But of course doing all the things possible to find a balance. I also noticed when I was outside again traveling home, that it seems like I am looking more to the right side, which is actually straight ahead, but because before I looked more to the left, it seems now like I am looking a little to the right. it’s like I suddenly see and want to see the right side.

There can be reactions and corrections within the body for up to a year because the body has to correct itself within this new standing, which can be supported with other treatments, and ofcourse by applying self-forgiveness and self-corrections to align the mind with the physical within this process. Most of time it is a permanent correction of the atlas, as it lays on the right position it stays there.

Let’s see how it goes.

Next day I was listening to the interview of The Consciousness of the Butterfly 1. The Butterfly is speaking about DNA. About how the body was within the sound-symbols within the DNA not meant to cooperate in its full potential, to devellop physical communication in the most potential,  but that it is programmed with the purpose to generate the most energy possible for consciousness to survive. This is exactly how it is with the atlas not standing straight and what I noticed within myself related to this: I was generating energy all the time by trying to correct myself in/as the physical in all possible ways and creating frustrations/sadness and more by experiencing not being able to do so. The investigations about this atlascorrection show that correction of the position of the atlas corrects something – the sound-symbols? – within the DNA as some children that are born (not all) by woman from who the atlas is corrected, are born with a straight position of the atlas.

It is not really clear to me if the the atlas is already wry when the baby is coming out of the womb, or that it is manifested later in life. The influence of the program as consciousness, as what they here call a defense mechanism which triggers a reflective movement,  is part of this position of the atlas, and as far as I can see it is depending on different factors, from mother, child, pregnancy, DNA  and devellopment and eventual accidents during lifetime on earth, in which way it manifests and where it starts.

It is a treatment that I can really recommend as a support to align yourself within the physical, where in the physical and mind can function together, supporting each other as Equals, as Life.



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