Dag 749 – 28. Learned a lot

This blog is related to record 28: Learned a lot

For context and playlist see: Dag 710 – Reflection on the years of fertility

The self-forgiveness are written as if it is happening in current time, however it are self-forgiveness on a pattern that I am reflecting back on and now taking responsibility for.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ‘be tired’ of ‘learning things’ and rather would like to start building something that is lasting and consistent.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that I am not already building something because of walking through difficult patterns, instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that this goes hand in hand and so, ‘learning’ and ‘building’ can go together.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that ‘creating’ or ‘building’ is something nice and ‘learning’ in this context is mainly difficult and challenging and so, when I do not experience it as nice, I see it as only ‘learning’ or ‘walking through patterns’ and not so much as ‘creating’ and ‘building’.

Self-forgiveness on experiences that are coming up while a pattern is activated and showing it’s face / where I am facing myself within this pattern:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel completely shut down and blanko because of not being able to do anything anymore and so the only solution for now is leaving it and letting go of the control about what another is taking responsibility in or not and taking responsibility for myself in how I experience myself at the moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ‘not believe’ how this can happen, how someone can do this and so, I am not standing equal and one with myself and/as another, where in I see now that I hide and suppress an experience of guilt that I have stored in my body as an expectation of a ‘need to be here all the time for another, 24 hours’ without seeing, realizing and understanding that this is not possible and realistic.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to be here 24 hours a day for another which must be coming forward out of a mother-syndrom of always feeling like ‘not enough’ for the child, as there can always go something wrong when I am not here and that is then ‘my fault’ or responsibility.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to coming forward out of this self-judgement, going into my mind and from here, indeed not being here 24 hours but distracted within and as a form of self-protection, to not feel the emotions coming up as a reaction in certain circomstances.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel paralized at the height of my ovaria and going down within my legs, like my legs are made of chewing-gum and not being able to move myself anymore to whatever direction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to focus myself completely on another as in a mother-syndrom, looking after her child and without this focus, not being able to direct myself anymore.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have protected myself against what I have perceived as the attention of my own mother and her worries about me and at the same time, copying this pattern and doing it myself to a ‘loved one’ that I ‘worry about’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not know how to move through and how to ‘fix’ this.

When and as I see myself going into worrying about a ‘loved one’, I stop and breathe.

I realize that I worry about myself and not being able to be with this one anymore and/or to live without this one, where the worry is then actually ‘about me’ and so, I am not really effective in seeing what support I am able to give or stand, when and as that may be needed.

I realize that the patterns and play-outs I walk now, are of support for myself (and/as another) to stand on my own two feet in every situation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe ‘that it is too much, that this is not cool anymore, that I cannot have it anymore and that it is unfair that I need to go through all of this as I did not do anything wrong’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that I only need to go through things if I do ‘something wrong’, instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that what I ‘do wrong’, is taking projections of another personally as if it is about me and ‘wanting to take care of another 24 hours as a way to be sure to be together’ is an approach that is impossible and unrealistic, as we all need to stand on our own two feet and learn to take responsibility for our own mind and so, it are opportunities to bring the patterns that are stored deep within me to the surface, so that I can forgive and correct myself into a more realistic and so, more effective living human being.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that things will be allright if I ‘do not do anything wrong anymore’ instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that the mind is build up and stored within many deep layers and that we are only free, when all are free and so, the pain will not stop until all are free as only then we will be able to communicate, to care and to work together effectively but at the same time I can push myself to take responsibility for my own experiences.

I realize that I do not understand a reaction within myself that starts with ‘I cannot believe this is happening’ and here giving up on myself and giving away my self-direction of who I am in every moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to live without the other and so, taking on more responsibility on my shoulders than is really my part which is then a distraction within and for myself from experiencing the pain of inequality, because as long as I am busy with the other and trying ‘to do good’, I think and believe that I can not loose the other or that I can not be blamed to loose the other and I forgive myself myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that if another sees what he/she is doing, that he/she then will walk away and never come back and so I try to prefend this by doing the best I can to ‘fill the gabs’ and ‘always be here’, where in I see, realize and understand that I then actually go away from myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear myself and my reactions in living without the other and so I want the other to ‘always be with me’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have ‘learned a lot’ but still not really changed in this deep pattern of dependency within me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not know how to stand within the unexpectedness of life and within the only certainty of being with and as myself no matter what, meaning that I do not have control about an outcome but only about what I walk in and as myself and so, I do not have control about ‘staying together’ as there always can something ‘unexpected’ happen and so, I created a ’24 hours attention’ within and as myself and behind this an experience of guilt to keep myself busy with, as a distraction and illusion of control about ‘being/staying together’ as how a mother and child are connected.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not find a commitment to stand with in this but at the same time, expecting a commitment from another.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to commit to stand with myself as within this, I experience a huge fear to ‘loose another’ if I do so and I am not sure how I will stand with and as myself if and when I may ‘loose another’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that if I do not ‘fear loosing someone’, that I then not ‘love’ someone and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to then hold on to the fear as holding on to my own thoughts as a ‘connection’ as actually a way of control in and as my own mind.

I commit myself to continue walking and finding ways to support myself and others in this, by keeping myself open and approachable for receiving and giving ways of self-support and preventing myself from speaking or acting in reaction (and forgiving/correcting myself when and as I do so) and within this, giving myself and others time to walk through the difficult parts within and as the mind, where in I realize everytime again that I can only keep standing within the principle of what is best for all, in and as life and that eventually within and as life, we are all united and no one will be ‘left alone’ anymore as here we are al(l)-one with ourselves in and as life, without existing in separation. Which is something that I now only realize in knowledge and information and that will take a lifetime to walk into in practical reality and so I move myself through the fears coming up, slowly and embracing/forgiving myself for what I experience in every moment, within and as self-support and support of one another.

I commit myself to look into the words ‘creating’ and ‘building’ and redefine this into a more realistic definition for myself.

I commit myself to walk ‘what is here’, in small pieces day by day and not too much going into a looking forward as then easily many things can come up as a ‘what if this and that go wrong’ where in I then fuell an experience of ‘fear of loss‘ within and as myself.

I commit myself to look into thoughts connected to an experience of fear within the realization of the information that ‘fear’ actually exist within and as a thought.

Previous blog: 27. Finding my stability

Next blog: 29. Care as motivation

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De Kronieken van Jezus

Journey to Life – Reis naar Leven:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
Ingrid’s Desteni Witness Blog

The Secret to Self-Realisation:


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Uil forgive

Dag 204 – Walking as a Buddy – and the fear coming up within this

Assisting as a buddy in the dip-lite course. Where I walked against an ego-point within myself that I didnot see as ego. Where I failed in giving an advise by speaking out of knowledge and information, without being able myself to walk this with the person in specifity but not realizing this, believing that I did the right thing, that I wrote down the right comment. Within this I let others pick up the person after me giving the comment. Well it is not a bad thing that others assist me within this, but I could have prevented this by cross-referencing about the person that I was buddying as I saw from the beginning that I was not the right person to buddy this person, but believing that I must be able to do so. And so within this passing my own capabilities, which is dangerous and coming forward out of ego.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react on the writing of the person I was buddying, and within this reacting building up an ego-point which ended in giving a comment that was not immediately wrong but what was too much information given, not totally specified but concluded in a short way coming forward out of an overview that I have within knowledge and information within/as the mind as consciousness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel myself unable to get all the information in detail that is given within the interviews and blogwritings, that it is so much that I do not see myself as capable to read and grasp it all, and within this to doubt myself as being able to walk within specifity but only able to walk an overview in/as consciousness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel ashamed of myself within the comment I gave to a person walking the dip-lite course, not seeing what I was doing at the moment I wrote the comment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize in every moment that I have to slow down and realyy see into the situation what I can say and/or write and what not, that I cannot see just put down some information on someone if I am not 100% sure that the person is able to understand and work with it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to throw the person, and so also myself, into depth without being sure if the person do have enough support to stand up in it and without being a 100% sure that I myself can walk with the person in detail as a support.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel unable to walk with a person in detail and to walk with myself in detail.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear cross-referencing for fearing giving the wrong answer, and so take the risk that it is the wrong answer by just writing it down, which can have a huge influence on the person which I write the comment by,


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself in fear as more important than the life of another person which I am responsible for at the moment that I write down the comment, which is walking as a buddy in self-interest instead of walking as a buddy as a support what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not totally realize that I am 100 % responsible for every comment I write down, for every word I write and speak, but instead of this just write down what I assume is the best thing, forcing situations instead of leading it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to force situations instead of leading it, where the forcing is coming forward out of the mind as consiousness, which is putting responsibility to others who have to correct what I have created.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to move my responsibility to another person by walking, speaking and writing in/as consiousness instead of taking full responsibility for/as myself as consiousness and only speak what I live in totality, which is actually the point that the person in dip-lite asked for as I see now within this writing, which triggered this point within me as ego-point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I did the right thing by forcing the situation so that the person will move as I saw that there had to be a change somewhere, instead of cross-referencing the situation of the person with people who are available for this, to co-operatie within this and lead the situation into a situation that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to walk as an individual, to play alone, believing that I have to be able to do this, instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that I can walk this process collectively and ask others, who have more stable experience in this, to support with aligning the process of the person who is walking dip-lite course and within this align my own process as walking a buddy within the dip-lite course.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to be thrown out as a buddy as not capable to buddy and assist other humans within their process in the dip-lite course and eventually in the dip-pro course.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am already ready to be a buddy as I am trained to be a buddy within the support of others with natural medicine, instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that I have the overview in the natural medicine and in the mind-processes, but not yet walked the details by myself and always find myself uncapable and having too little understanding and information of walking the detail and specifity of the body and mind-processes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not know to how ever become capable to walk in detail the body and mind processes, as it is so much information to grasp that I believe that I will never grasp it all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have to grasp it all before I can walk as a buddy as/for myself and others, instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that I can walk as a buddy as far as I walked myself  and lived myself what I am speaking, as this is what I am able to walk with them as a living example, and that I can walk the detail what I walked myself in detail and for the rest leave the detail to others until I grasp it myself, and ask their support within this if I see I am not able to do it myself.

I commit myself to slow down within walking the process within myself, so that I can see more detail within my own mind/consiousness, which will support me to assist myself in stop participating within the mind-processes.

I commit myself to slow down in every comment I write to a person, and within this to be absolutely sure in what I write as the best thing, and if I am not, I ask for assistence to people who are placed in the possition to assist within this process.

I commit myself to cross-reference my comments if I am not 100% sure of what I am writing as I see that I not totally lived my own words.

I commit myself to only write what I see as that I am 100 % capable of to walk this as myself with the other person as a support. If I see that I cannot walk this process what I write and the eventually outcome of what I write, with the other person as a support, that I will not write this as this is than only writing out of knowledge and information. I realize that only if I am capable of walking my own words as a living example and to stand with the other person within the eventual outcome of my own words in totality, I am ready to write and speak these words as than I am speaking and writing as myself as what is best for all. If I have any doubt in this, I stop, I breathe, I cross-reference and/or give another comment that I can stand within as myself.

I commit myself to see in every comment I write if it is aligned with the material that is already given within the course to the person, and if I see that the person needs more supprt than is given within the course, I ask for assistence to the person who are placed in the position to assist with this.

I realize that I first walk my own process as walking my own mind, and if this is taking time, than it is so. As I see that I can only walk effectively as an example as a buddy for others as I walked the process myself first. This I combine with practising being a buddy within the dip-lite course with the assistence of Maya, Marlen, Lindsey and Robert if/when necessary which will support myself within my own process.

I commit myself to stop myself in walking as an individual within/as consciousness and to open up for walking collectively to support each other to stand up in/as life.

I commit myself to stop myself in/as fear to walk collectively as within fear I am only manipulating myself in/as consiousness to protect myself as a mindsystem in self-interest, which will not only have an affect on myself but also on other peoples life as the starting-point within this is self-interest, although it is coming forward out of fear. I realize I as fear as consiousness will keep myself in position as fear as consiousness as protection – which is not even a real protection – but a protection as an illusion in/as self-interest.

Whenever I see the fear coming up, I stop, I breathe. I am gentle with myself and see what I fear, so I can support myself with walking out of this fear as an illusion, as I realize this fear will not bring me safety at all but is coming up as an indication that I seperated myself within a point of self-interest as an illusion of protection, which is giving the fear of loosing this illusion of self-interest as protection.

I commit myself to slow down myself and stay with myself within this fear as seperation and not leave myself alone within this fear without considering what is going on, as I leave myself behind, I am seperating myself even more and create more fear within this. So I stay with myself, I breathe, I see what I fear, I see my desire and what I fear within this as the opposite (thanks Larry), and walk myself out of this fear, breathe by breathe untill it’s done, no matter how long it takes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to leave myself behind in fear in seperation of myself within myself, where I created the opposite of self-trust which is self-fear, and within this fearing myself as consiousness as the mind in seperation of myself as life and making myself inferior as myself as consiousness.

I commit myself to take myself serious as a mindsystem as consiousness, as I see, realize and understand that I created myself within this, and I have to take responsibility for what I created myself, otherwise the creation will suppress the creator in/as fear, which is not necessary as I am the creator in the first place. Within this I see that creator and creation are equal, and within this able to co-operate to stop the seperation between creator and creation as what is best for All as creater AND creation, as I see they are equal and become one if there is no longer a seperation between them as fear.

So within the fear, there is the key to stop the fear as seperation, to walk together, creator and creation, in supporting each other equally to become one as self as life.


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