Dag 787 – The experience of neutrality


“And so – I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed all my relationship-experiences to be defined within/as the categories of either “positive/negative/neutral” all of which originate from the starting-point of “experience” as I “experience” positivity/negativity/neutrality – when in/as substance as equality and oneness, my standing With all as me is not based within experience or categorized within positivity/neutrality/negativity because I in fact Am all as me in equality and oneness, which is not an “experience” it’s a living/beingness standing. In this, I have accepted and allowed myself to create/manifest my relationship-lines within/as energy as “experience” to/towards all as me as either “positive/negative/neutral”. Equal-to and One-with the World-System as Money’s relationship to/towards humanity – categorized within experiences / as living physical experiences of human beings with the “Positive” as those with the most Money/more than they require, “Neutral” as those of humanity that live comfortably with Money that have enough and “Negative” as those of humanity with little to no money at all.”


From: Day 6: How did we Create Relationships of Positivity/Neutrality?Negativity?

I am noticing within myself how I am constantly trying to bring myself in a ‘state’ of neutral energy, that where I feel ‘comfortable’ in and safe and relaxed in a way. That experience that I ‘know’ as ‘everything will be alright’. And I am doing this automatically, so I am/was not really aware that I am/was doing this. I did notice how I was everytime again trying to move myself to this state and then relax for a moment, thinking and believing that this is where I ‘need to be’ but I was not aware of the fact that this ‘state’ is not ‘who I am’ or should be or where I should be. It is merely creating an experience of constant fear within me; fear of loosing this state of experience and reacting to all and everything that is interrupting this energetic state.

I recognize this as the ‘neutral’ energy state that Heaven’s Journey to Life has written blogs about in the beginning. A neutral state that we all create within our subconscious mind and related to family and how we grow up – well from what I understand of it in a simple way. So it is not the ‘neutral’ of ‘being here’ and not reacting, but actually an energetic state between the positive and negative that ‘seems’ like ‘this is me’. But this is really to question and merely something I move around subconsciously (and from what I now realize while reading the blog of Day 6 – related to how I grow up living comfortably with having enough money to live from – interesting).

I found this a very interesting realization, because it gives a tool for myself to stop the constant experience of fear. What I notice in this realization, is that I do not need to react to so many things in a subtile way and that I do not need to live in an experience of constant fear, if I stop trying to attain this neutral energetic state; then actually all these outer and inner stimuli, do not need to disturb me. Because I do not have to ‘loose’ anything or ‘try to go somewhere’ and this creates much more space to look into myself and into the stimuli and how to move myself within this all.

I notice here that I choose to use the word ‘move myself’ instead of ‘direct myself’ and that I experience resistance on the word ‘directing’ so that is something to investigate within/for myself.

This realization doesnot mean that everything is now solved (and also this does not mean that ‘I can live without money’ or something because we all in this world as how it exists today, need the money to create a life for ourselves and each other), altough this seems so for a moment when this realization takes place. I now have to actively apply myself according to this realization and remember myself for doing so and then moving through the more challenging moments.

In the next blog I will write some self-forgiveness on this and here already some self-forgiveness with a link to the blog of Day 6 in Heaven’s Journey to Life.


“And so – I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the continuation of such relationships of positivity/neutrality/negativity throughout my existence without change – because when/as I would change such relationships, I have come to believe that who I am will cease exist, not realising/seeing/understanding that the illusion of me as Energy will cease to exist – but who I am as substance/equality and oneness remains/is here and always has been here. But I have separated myself from me as substance/equality and oneness to such an extent, that I have come to believe that all I am is Energy/Experience, and so continued existing as this belief and continued my relationships of positivity/neutrality/negativity to/towards all that is me to ensure my continued survival as the Energy/Experience I’ve accepted and allowed myself to be/become.


From: Day 6: How did we Create Relationships of Positivity/Neutrality?Negativity?

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www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY(Ook in het Nederlands!)

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De Kronieken van Jezus

Journey to Life – Reis naar Leven:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
Ingrid’s Desteni Witness Blog

The Secret to Self-Realisation:


Proces van wereldverandering:

Uil forgive

Dag 782 – The experience of depression opening up

Continuing on Dag 781 – How I have experienced ‘depression’ in my life


After my twenties I started to bring down the going out and alcohol intake, up to now very rarely drinking a glass of wine. However with doing so, I had many years where I needed to find other ways to ‘relax from myself’ in a way and to for a moment ‘let go’. Which I must say, I did not really succeed in for quite some years. And so I did experience quite some moments of heaviness during my thirties.

If I look now at this ‘heaviness’, the first word that comes up in me related to this experience is ‘self-conscious’.

Like being too self-conscious, too conscious of myself, in what I say or not say, do or not do. Like I have locked myself in within my own consciousness focussed on my self and feeling ‘stuck’ in this, like a rabbit freezing in the light of a car. And this is what I could let go for a moment with going out and using some alcohol and hanging around, laughing and speaking with friends or dancing.

During my high-school years I had a best friend, and I went to her almost every day and with her I speaked about what was bothering me and she always sheered me up and supported me to relevate and when going back home, I felt better. But when getting older, everyone started to ‘build their own life’ and creating families and so the friendships were less shared and only coming together by ‘appointment’. And these years between 25-35, I have experienced the most struggling within myself because I could not really get up with the natural life-path of creating a family. And many of my ‘friends’ started to get involved in relationships and creating a family, where I could not relate to them so much anymore and I started to ‘feel better’ alone by myself or with others who walked a bit of a uncommon path.

Within this period I have learned to not scare as ‘resist’ the periods of depression and emotions coming up. I lived in a beautiful area within nature and with many birds outside around and I found peace and sense in a more nature-connected way of living. I noticed that a depression – the ‘experienced one’ as how I describe in my previous blog and not the clinical/physical ingrained one – is passing by. And this goes best if I am not running away for this experience, but ‘letting it in’ and investigate what is involved. It seems and feels like it goes on forever, but I have learned that it passes by and when and as I feel that it is pulling me down too much, I will ask for support.

The most frightening experiemnce in it I find that ‘I do not like anything anymore’. I have been in a period where I find I was drowning too much in a sadness and ‘not liking anything anymore’, where I went out for support – during that days I went to a couple who worked with series of Dutch flower remedies – and the lady simply said to me, without pointing it out too much but more in between other things that she was looking had – that I needed to find what I did like before and the way in which she mentioned this, immediately made me taking this in as something that is here and that I need to pick up. So not in a way of questioning it, like ‘is there anything that you like?’; but without any doubt or questioning within so as ‘data’, as something that is here. So she brought me back here actually and I immediately could find some simple things that I like.

When writing this, an experience is coming up of loosing myself, loosing control in a way over myself so I see that this experience that I had during using extacy (described in the previous blog), is still existing within me. It is like I access it while writing about this subject, which indicates for me that it is here to open up; I brought it here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel like loosing control, loosing myself, as if I am not able to direct myself but that I need to follow this experience and as if I ‘need’ to loose myself to find myself, which may be true, however I do have the ability to direct myself with words, with actions, with being here in my body and so I do not need to stay and drown in this directlessness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe I need another to get me out of my own consciousness and at the same time, feel like I loose my directlessness when and as I am with others, which then in a way is a ‘lock in‘ from myself in my own mind consciousness system in a way that I did not see before as so ‘severe’ as so pertinent present.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not have seen, realized and understand the severity of my own mind-consciousness system and the lock in of myself in it, where I did understand the severity due to how the world exists today and also how we each contribute and are part of it; however really seeing it within and as myself is a different story as I easily avoid to see how it really exists within and as me.

I also see another situation coming forward where I feared to experience a depression. It was when I was pregnant (before the abortion, see blog-serie) and here I feared a post-natale depression. Sylvie brought up that the experience of ‘depression’ may be related to attention more than to control. I will look into this for myself and how it is related, as it seems to be related to a fear of loosing attention in future periods. What I more and more start seeing within myself (so from knowledge and information towards seeing it existing within and as myself), is how the ‘attention’ and energy within this, is in essence related to money and/or sexuality in/as the mind and the question and opportunity within this (of how) to move beyond this, into ‘myself’ and towards and into self-expression.

This experience slowly opens up more and is still existing within me, so cool that I am bringing the topic here.

To be continued.


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www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY(Ook in het Nederlands!)

Zelfeducatie free:
De Kronieken van Jezus

Journey to Life – Reis naar Leven:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
Ingrid’s Desteni Witness Blog

The Secret to Self-Realisation:


Proces van wereldverandering:

Uil forgive



Dag 731 – Self-honesty, self and relationships


Continuing on previous blog.

For more than 6 years now, I am actively walking a process where in it is a core-point for me to transcent the ‘dependency’ within partnership. Through my life, I have had several partners and a pattern existing within this of starting and stopping. I could not find a way to keep my individuality and at the same time, be/become intimate in my sharing with another. I was not able to stand alone within partnership.

Now, what then does this mean? To stand alone? I learned how to stand alone when being/living alone, without a partner but then within this there is a tendency to search for a partner and when there is a partner, I often lived in a fear of loss or, the partner was existing in this pattern. All because, so I found out, the starting-point was not clearly cross-referenced within both: no discussions about what both want and/or are able to within a partnership and how to create this and how to give and how to support and what means love etc. So the starting-point was basicely still based on preferences and convenience, without really being self-honest to myself and to another about who I am and what I stand for.

This coming forward out of a ‘fear of loss’, as well when the relationship started but also on forehand, like not believing that any man that I like and who likes me and within the practical possibilities, would be willing to live with me and at the same time taking responsibility for oneself. So it is like a compromising on forehand, like, okay better live with someone halfway than living alone all my life (where this ‘all my life’ is what is showing this disbelief and fear ‘that I will never find a partner who is willing to stand with me when and as I am standing within a starting-point of self-honesty’).

But, here under, is hiding my own convenience. Of not willing, mixed with a ‘not knowing how’ to support another and push the principles where in another is given the opportunity to live accordingly to principles that are best for both (and from here, best for all) and expand as well. Not knowing how because I have never done this before or never had an example and so, it is all new to learn and develop. But what I actually mostly see is a convenience within myself about not willing to change and do the hard and dirty work, of step by step walking through all the shit that is coming up and directing myself and the situation in this. And here in I see, I am existing in judgement.

From not standing within and as my self-honesty of what I am accepting and allowing within myself and from here, tolerating within a relationship, I am existing in judgement, which leads to a fear of loss. Because I placed this partnership in the place of my self-honesty and from here, the separation from and within myself is existing and so I make myself dependent on the partner and on the partnership and on the physical intimicy. Within this I am existing in judgement all the time, I am hiding, I keep distance and push the other away (in fear as judgement) as a reflection of how I am in disagreement with and as myself and fear/judge myself for this, as long as I am not self-honestly facing this.

For 6-7 years I am looking at the theory of what it means to stand alone and live in/as self, as in not ‘missing another’ (as a reflection of missing myself)  where in I now see that the word ‘self-honesty’ is giving so much more clarity in this, as this is what I can define for myself. This is an active process that I have walked and am still walking and this is what I recently found within myself (hidden deep within myself) where in I kept my ‘preference’ at first place and secondly I tried to align my self-honesty with this, where I had to turn this around and place my self-honesty first and foremost and from here, look at how to align my preferences to this, if and when possible in a practical and considering way. Thus this means that I have to make peace with the possibility (or call it ‘risk’) that I have to let go of some of my preferences if I find that I am not able to live with it, practical, physical and according to my integrity.

This is an example of how we trade places in and as the mind and how we place our preferences above our self-honesty and from here, we make ourselves dependent on these preferences that we need to fulfill with something or someone outside ourselves. It can be anything: money, sex, love, food, drugs, alcohol, gaming, traveling, shopping, sleeping, watching tv and all variations within this.

We know in theory that we do this, we all know it somehow, however really seeing it within ourselves and understanding how we have exactly created this, is a whole other story, even from the point where we make the decision to change this within ourselves. For this, we need to walk what we call ‘a process’ through time.

It is possible that we have integrated this self-dishonesty in our physical body; in this case walking out of it, means to walk a physical process, through physical manifested consequences within our own body, as for example in my case, the consequence of a spastic colon.

To be continued

Proces van zelfverandering:

www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY(Ook in het Nederlands!)

Zelfeducatie free:
De Kronieken van Jezus

Journey to Life – Reis naar Leven:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
Ingrid’s Desteni Witness Blog

The Secret to Self-Realisation:


Proces van wereldverandering:

Uil forgive

Dag 681 – Bladder infection with a cat

Snoo Kerstlampjes

For a while I noticed that Snoo the white female cat, was sometimes leaving one or two drops of urine when she steps out of the box after doing a pee. Where in I made a remark for myself that if we go for a yearly check up, this should be investigated too. However yesterday, she was sitting near to me and looking at me for a long time and I sensed that something was going on. She also did sleep very long the night before and I saw some urine around her vulva, but because she has a lot of longer hair, I was not sure how that was before, but I remembered it as always being clean. The signs were futile but it were signs and additional and more prominent was my sense of something that needed to be taken on, now, today.

I ended up with going three times towards the fet. First I called and they said that I could bring some urine so that they could test it. They have a package with plastic litter for this to put in the box and when the cat pees, one can easily take out the urine with an injection needle (without the needle). So I picked that up first time, back at home I went upstairs to empty the box and directly after I had emptied it, Snoo was next to me and stepped into the box to do a pee.

Okay that went fast lol. I took it in the injection needle and into a pipet and went back to the vet. They would call me with the result. The result was that their was a bladder infection, there was a little blood in the urine. I could come for a medicine, but the vet strongly advised me to bring the cat with me for further investigation because she found the symptoms a bit strange and the cat is very young (almost 3 years). I found something strange about it too and she had a place the same afternoon. So, third time to the vet this day. This time my neighbour was at home and she was willing to drive with me with her car so we did not need to go on bike through the cold weather. That was great.

I was nervous, I did not expect something physical going on already with the cats. I also thought about the money as usual in this kind of situations but decided to not worry about that and to do what needed to be done and find a solution and arrange the payment. (I do have put aside some extra for these cases but with large amounts I will need to arrange a montly payment).

The physical investigation went well and nothing other serious seems to be going on than bladder infection. My worry was that it was related to her uterus, as how the situation was with the female rabbit that died 2 years ago, eventually from a uterus carcinoom but also at an age around 9. Here I learned a lot about the differences between rabbits and cats, which is very cool to know.

Cats do not easily have a uterus infection and seldom carcinoom if they are sterilised, because the ovaria are taken away and so the hormons that can activate this symptoms of uterus infection are not being produced anymore. It is something that is often happening with female rabbits but not with female cats, she ensured me and so the uterus is not recommended to be taken out as how they often recommend with female rabbits.

Her worry (of the vet) was if the urethra was narrowed and she wanted to check this. This is seen more often with male cats but can be so with female cats. So the vet and I had a different motivation to directly investigate. The urethra was not narrowed, her bladder felt normal by size but was sensitive for the cat when she touched it. Also a stone would not be likely as there was only one line of blood in the urine sample and with a stone, there are mostly more and there also was no grind find in the urine.

I also learned that with cats, a bladder infection is not coming from a bacteria as how it is with guinea-pigs or rabbits (I forgat why this is so). It is coming from an irritation of the bladder-wall (inside). Interesting. I am glad that I did not test things out with for example colloidal silverwater, as this is working when there are bacteria involved so it would not have maken any difference.

So. How comes then that she has a bladder-infection?

20-02-16 - 3Stress? asked the vet. Well she seems relaxed, I said, where I directly mentioned that it might seem so. As when I looked back, she came often sitting next to me when for example Basha the male cat was chasing her. Perhaps she was not so relaxed as it seems. It is not a nervous cat so to speak but that doesn’t mean that she is not experiencing ‘stress‘ inside.

So I asked about some alternatives to reduce the stress for her as I prefer to work with that additionally (natural medicine). Very nicely she came up with additional solutions. So what I start with now is the following:

A medicine to cure the infection for 5 days, as first ofcourse (it is not anti-biotics becasue there is no bacteria involved so it is something to treat the infection). Then Feliway, first as spray because I have that already and when it goes well, the evaporator. I can try out Rescue or other flower remedies but what I start with is a tiny bit of Valerian (also the Cat Mint called). Snoo was lately more often chewing on a Valerian root that I in the beginning, had placed on the ground in between all the toys. Let’s see if we can get her to some relaxation also with Basha around.

20-02-16 - 1In the evening she was going to sleep and I was sitting next to her, giving some hugs. If I trust my communication with her this is what I picked up: she was trying to hold on but she did not manage to do so, of being this ‘tough’ or brave cat (from what I understand towards Basha and/or to hold her stand as the leader and not let it effect her too much), which may be her survival technic (she comes from the street). In fact she is a (physically) little and very gentle cat. I hold her and embodied that she doesnot need to, she is not on the street anymore and Basha is not really doing something (he is challenging her but not hurting). This morning when she looked at me I noticed this as that she ‘warned’ me as needing support.

She is sleeping a lot and it looks like she is more relaxed, which may also be because of the pain being treated as she may have walked with this already for longer. I keep an eye on Basha and he seems to be more gentle. It can be because Snoo is more relaxed herself, it can be because he senses that he needs to be/is asked to be, it can be momentarial for sure and it can also be because of the Feliway!

I bought another cat’s box (well yeah, another one!) as also discussed to place in another space. Let’s see if she will use that and having some rest here for herself, as here Basha can be chasing her now and then. I tried to remove a box I already had but when we were at the vet, Basha did his poo on the ground where the box was normally standing. Maybe he was nervous too because of this new situation where Snoo went out, maybe because his poo was a bit thin this time, or maybe he just wanted the box to keep standing there. So I put it back. Three boxes on a row and one new extra in a different space. (There are at least three recommended for two cats who are having some issues with each other).

Let’s see how we do from here. I learned a lot about cats and diferences with other animals and treatments which I find very interesting. I share them detailed here so that it can be of support for others as well if/when needed.

I have walked self-forgiveness on reactions coming up within me yesterday, as I went into a slide panic inside that I suppressed when I was going to do the practical things. And I did not want to cry at the vet when she explained that with cats it is most likely not related to the uterus. Which was based on a remembrance with the rabbit and me experiencing some relief.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that I have done something wrong because Snoo has ‘already a bladder-infection’ and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel guilty for bringing in Basha and wondering if she might have done better alone here, where I did not prefer her to come in alone because I am long days from home for work half time of the week.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think that the first cat that I had choosen to be here with her, might have fit better than Basha but he went ill and could not be placed and so, I looked for another and I liked Basha although I saw that he might be challenging (where the first information was that he was a she, until he arrived from Egypt).

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel heavy as if I have done something wrong by putting two cats together that did not know each other, where it may be causing ‘stress’ that may cause physical consequenses as for example a bladder infection.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame myself for putting the cats into this situation, instead of looking practically at the situation as how it is at this moment, that does not look so bad but that needs some direction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that if a situation needs direction, that I have done something wrong before.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that ‘challenges’ are something to better prevent from, instead of seeing them as something to learn from and expand and direct into a solution.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame myself when I did not all see through in the beginning/on forehand and then place myself at where I am now physically, back into the beginning in my mind as if I could have forseen how things will go or work out.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel disappointed that in an early stage there are physical things going on with the animals.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that it will cost me a lot or all the money I have available to support them, instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that it is a thought projected as fear in the future as a ‘what if…’ situation in/as my mind and so I commit myself to stop participating in this ‘what if...’ situations as thoughts in/as my mind, to breathe and focus on the current situation that I am physically in.

What I do see is that animals are walking their process too, as how Snoo is showing here for example. Which is at the same time reflecting my process, although it is not ‘because of me’ as animals do not carry the ‘load’ of the care-taker since the Portal opened 2006-2007.

I commit myself to, when and as I go into experiences of guilt or blame towards myself, to stop, breathe and bring myself back to the situation as it is and from here, look into the best possible solutions to walk and if and when experiences keep coming up, go back to writing to release some unseen attachements and energy and while doing this, stabilizing myself more and more and so, becoming more and more able to make decisions from a clear starting-point, that will not give a prediction of how things go but that does give an outcome that I can direct within self-trust and self-satisfaction because it will be more and more aligned with who I can and will be in alignment with and as life itself/within awareness.

I commit myself to walk with the animals equally, to receive their support and give it where needed and within my ability and I commit myself to trust myself and investigate my senses in my interaction with animals, as I have proven more than once to myself that I am in the right direction that something is going on, but that I need to go find out what it is exactly so that I can look for practical solutions and physical support.

I realize that there are many consequences that we cannot yet prevent because of already being programmed/designed and developped through time and I commit myself to keep on investigating if there are other things that can cause stress and/or the bladder-infection and to see how to support.

I commit myself to look into my view on death and a fear of death coming up while walking with animals.

Snoo bed

Cats and Self Discovery

Previous ‘cats-blog’: Dag 664 – Subtile rebellious behaviour of the cat?


Proces van zelfverandering:
www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY (Ook in het Nederlands!)

Zelfeducatie free:
De Kronieken van Jezus

Journey to Life – Reis naar Leven:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
Ingrid’s Desteni Witness Blog

The Secret to Self-Realisation:


Proces van wereldverandering:

Uil forgive



Dag 633 – Migration – Is there a long-term and lasting solution?


There are many aspects of migration from human beings from one country to another that can be investigated. A situation that most takes place is that in countries where there are more opportunities to build a decent life; people will migrate to these countries from other countries where there is less to none opportunity to build a decent life for oneself and their family.

Within the countries that are more opportunities, many people react more or less to migrants coming in. Here it is already a flag-point for oneself, that if one react to people coming to the country one lives in, there is fear involved as how the reaction is showing. Why fear?

Basicely we fear for ourselves that we do not have enough money (to buy food and water, housing, health-care, education) to live from. Basicely we fear that we physically will not be able to live and if more people are coming in, there is less to divide, as a simple calculation that we have learned at school.

What we did not learn at school is to see into solutions of how to live with limited resources here on earth and how to co-operate within this from a point of what is best for all, which can be applied within the principle of ‘give as you would like to receive’. It is teached to some of us from a religious point, however there are important missing links in the religious teachings of Jesus as how it is brought into this world and so, many turn their back on the basic living principles that are mentioned within but that are not of any count on long term as what is best for all, as long as there is not a total insight in ourselves and the world-system in who we are and how we are living under the influence of the religious illusion of God/The Mind/Self-Interest in relation to Money.

So, we can state here that we have learned what the problem is (limited recources that when devided with more people, one will have less) without being educated to find and apply solutions that are best for all. So we are educated from a point of fear because a problem without solution, gives and/or confirms the experience of fear within ourselves.

Fear is not a good adviser. But we all believe that we have to live from this starting-point of fear because that is how we are educated from a very young age, from birth. And this is how we are controled within ourselves, by ourselves in/as fear and by the money-system that is build from this point of fear, to create friction and conflict that is obviously coming forward when one has to divide limited recources from a point of fear that ‘one has less when things have to be divided with more’ without being teached how to live within equality and oneness, meaning to divide all that we have from a point of co-operation in consideration and support of all live on earth.

We can discuss this very widely, however everyone knows that this is the situation that we are living in at the moment. And it is only getting worse. So we all do see the problem.

From here, when we look into this question: is it a long-term solution that is best for all living beings here on earth, to react to migration and become angry at the ones who try to move to another country because there might be some better circumstances to build a life there? Here we do neither need to discuss the answer widely because here also everyone can answer this very quickly for oneself: no it is not a long term solution that is best for all life here on earth. It is based on fear of having too little and actually based on fear of others (projected on the migrants) taking everything and ‘taking over’, as this is how we have learned what will happen from a starting-point of fear.

Here we come back to the basic-line that we are not well educated from birth of how to live practically on earth with limited recourses in a way that is best for all. We only learned how to ‘get what you can get and/or protect what one has because there is not enough and otherwise others will take it’. Where we know that the ‘others’ are also teached to get what you can get and/or protect what one has because otherwise others will take it. And this is deeply ingrained within ourselves, within and as the mind consciousness system and it is deeply ingrained in how the world-system/money-system is set up.

So yes, we can state that we do have a problem. But that does not mean that there is no solution possible that is long-term and best for all.

The solution is not to be find instantly. As we see how we are educated over years and this for generations long, one can imagine that it also takes years to change this within ourselves and within the world. And the first step in this can be to see in our own reactions of fear towards people coming to your country – ‘your country’ as the country that one is born in/living in’ as it is not ‘your ownership’ that no other has access to. It is a strange thing actually that people have to move from one country to another because it is not livible in the country that one is born/living in. It is unacceptable.

So a solution that is long-term and best for all, will be to make it livible for all inhabitants in every country and to exchange recourses with other countries to come to the best possible basic-needs to create a dignified life for all on earth. Here, again, every one can see in common sense that this is the only long-term and lasting solution that is best for all and that in the end, will stop the fear of ‘not having enough and/or having less than others/others taking over the access to the recourses’. A long term solution will be to give as we would like to receive and this applied by all/most of us.

We do all see this but most do not see how to come to a long-term and lasting solution that is best for all and so we give up before we even start to investigate and apply the very small steps that are needed to eventually, make a change in this world in how we exist. And true, there is so much hold in control within the world-system as how it is set up and from here, accepted and allowed to exist by every human being, that it seems impossible to change. In fact the control of the resources has been taken over long time ago. And from here, it seems better to ‘make the best of it’ with what one have and protect this the best possible way for oneself and ones siblings and some others nearby, under this state of control.

Here I suggest to start with stopping the fear, the resistance, the reactions in oneself and to investigate where these reactions are actually coming from. This is the ‘control’ that one can start investigating, within oneself.  From a starting-point of fear we will not be able to find solutions. There is a part of the fear that is reality-based – as we do live with limited recourses and how the world exists today, we can be sure that we will not receive our ‘equal share’ so to speak. There is also a non-realistic-part and/or a part based on future-projections and “what-if statements” where we only take ourselves in consideration in a lot of things that we actually do not directly need physically but that we do not want to ‘loose’ and share with others. And so here, we are ‘to be feared by others’ because we are not/no longer willing to live as what is best for all and give what we would like to receive ourselves. So self-honest self-introspection, self-forgiveness and self-change is definitely needed here.

If we all do what is within our ability in this, within ourselves and/or without in the system, in the positions that we are living in and within the area that we do have an influence on, this will already support with creating a ripple-effect to stand up for a world that does no longer need migration from a point of survival and where eventually, migration can become an expansion and sharing of different cultures where we will be welcomed in another country. Wouldn’t that be a great way to exist, live and share?


Some ways to start investigating how the world-system without and our mind consciousness system within, are set up and actually so much more inter-related than we have ever truly realized:

Desteni I Process (individual process with practical tools to apply to step by step change ourselves into living beings who are willing and able to do what is best for all – including a FREE COURSE online in English and Dutch)

Living Income Guaranteed (possible solutions as transition fase to a world that is best for all)

(One can click on the links in the text to find interviews for self-education)


Proces van zelfverandering:
www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY (Ook in het Nederlands!)

Zelfeducatie free:
De Kronieken van Jezus

Journey to Life – Reis naar Leven:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
Ingrid’s Desteni Witness Blog

The Secret to Self-Realisation:


Proces van wereldverandering:

Uil forgive

Dag 541 – Is an Act of Kindness enough?


There is a video online that has a message in it that is of importance for everyone:

Why I Think This World Should End

I would like to point out some words that are used in it as part of the solution to the ‘misery’ that we exist in, in and as this world as how the video is pointing out very clearly. These words are:

An Act of Kindness’ and ‘Love’.

The word ‘act’ in it points out that we can make a decission if we want to ‘do this act’ or not and that we can do it ‘sometimes’ or ‘when we wish to do so’. Instead of ‘being’ in and as kindness in every moment.

What does it mean to be in kindness in every moment?

As kindness does not mean perse that I am ‘acting nice’ to someone or ‘speaking with a kind voice’. Real kindness may for example mean that I am telling directly what is going on, which might not seem ‘kind’ in the first place. Actually, if we really want to replace the word kindness in an absolute way, we should make it ‘equality’ as equality is the real ‘kindness’ that will last, that is applyable in every moment and that will not exclude anything or anyone.

So how can I be in equality in every moment, in consideration of life as a whole?

Separation does not mean equality so, to be in equality, I have to stop the separation, in and as myself. When am I separated from myself? When I participate in thoughts, feelings and emotions, I am separated from myself as life in/as my physical body. So, being in equality means that I am not participating in reaction as in thoughts, feelings and emotions, in and as myself.

From here, I am able to see what the best way is to approach another human being, as if I am not participating in reaction within myself, not separated from myself, meaning not in thoughts about myself, projected on another outside myself, then I am not judging myself and/as another and so, I am standing equal with and as another as myself.

From here, one could also replace the word ‘Love’ with ‘Equality’ as there is no experience of ‘love’ needed when and as we live in equality. This makes the word ‘love’ more practical, as for most people, love in itself contains a feeling that is not really defined in practical, living words.

Love as Equality.

No judgements as separation involved, as judgements contain an individual interpretation in/as the mind of this physical existance, which is not based on equality, but based on separation in/as the mind. Within and as the physical, we are equal and one. Love as equality means: not participating in judgements as thoughts in/as the mind that are deviding and separating ourselves as life.

From here, we do not need to make an act of kindness or we do not need to participate in a feeling of love, because we are in equality with and as ourselves as others, in consideration of ourselves and/as others and this, is what real kindness is as what is best for all life.

Of course this is a process that we have to walk as change will not come over one night and we are very used to participate in and as our own mind in thoughts, feelings and emotions, in judgements as our own, separated, individual interpretation of this physical existance as a whole.

This is where equality starts, within and as ourselves. We are the starting-point.

However, we have created an unequal system in this physical world because we are existing and have existed in inequality for as long as we know. This system that we have created/manifested within this world as human beings, has become a control-system on it’s own, it has become our own manifested prison. Key-word in it is money. The money is devided and gives devidance on earth. This is not because ‘money in itself’ is the problem. It does mean that in how we have created this system, we need the money to survive at the moment and without money, it is hard – or even impossible – to live in this world. So what do we need to bring more equality within this world? We need more equality within the money-system. This means that everyone should have a decent income to live from, as a start.

Every human being has the right to a decent income, as a birthright to live, from birth to death.

Isn’t that a real ‘Act of Kindness’ for everyone in this world, that is constant, that will last and that will not exclude anyone on earth?

From here, everyone will have the same possibilities to walk the inner process towards onenesss and equality within and as self, into a constant state of ‘kindness’ towards and as life in itself.

This is the only way how we will be able to bring ‘Love’ down to earth, as a Practical, Living Word.

In this way, the world doesnot need to ‘End’ – the world, the system does need to CHANGE and for this, human beings do need to CHANGE. These two changes are directly connected to each other, one cannot change without the other, however, everyone should make the decision for themselves to Start this Change, within and as Self.

Investigate Solutions to Change:

Living Income Quaranteed

Equal Life Foundation

Equal Life Foundation logo

Desteni I Process Lite

Desteni I Process Pro


Mogelijkheid tot wereldverandering met gelijke kansen voor ieder-een:
Leefbaar Inkomen Gegarandeerd:
Equal Life Foundation:
Proces van zelfverandering:

www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY
Proces van relatie naar agreement:
Zelfeducatie free:
Journey to Life:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
De Desteni Boodschap – Wat doen we ermee?:
Zelfvergeving als Toegift aan jeZelf:

Dag 517 – What do I have in my life that I wish to everyone?

alternative-medicine-herb_10229634_XS-300x213Within my life I have had and still have the possibility to support myself and my physical body in a way that is best for me as life. I had the opportunity to start an education of natural medicine when I was 21 and it was a very cool education. It is not ‘regular’ so to speak and I had the luck that my parents could and were willing to support me financial with everything that I needed for this education. Here I learned to look at the body from a perspective as the body being a whole living organ in which al the systems are working together and influencing each other which means that when there is something out of balance, one start looking at the body as a whole and not at only the symptom that is showing the imbalance. This approach never stopped after finishing this education. With this education I layed a basic foundation of understanding of how the body functions and also to look further than where the regular medicin stops. Looking further actually means learning how to better prefend from getting ill instead of ‘walking behind the facts’.

Natural medicine did not give the whole picture so I walked on and am still walking further. I have learned and walked the way to support myself back into a pretty well shape with the use of natural medicine and different kind of treatments, supplements, herbs, diagnose-methodes (including the ones from the regular medicine when needed), physical treatments, physical exercises and of course the largest education of how we function in and as a mind consciousness system integrated within our physical body as how is provided within Desteni, which I am continuing walking.

Through my work I had and have acces to and insight on most of the available products on the ‘market of natural medicine’ so to speak and because of my living location I had and have acces to a variability of food from good quality. This whole package, I wish to everyone to be available and actually it should be available to everyone. The sooner we start with learning how we function, the more we learn to prevent ourselves from getting out of balance and becoming ‘ill’ so to speak and if we have some genetical issues that we have to deal with, we can do this in the best possible way with the products, treatments and self-support that is possible. This is part of taking responsibility for ourselves as a being with a mind, within a physical body. However how the medical system is set up at the moment, this way to walk is not available to everyone, actually it is unreachable for most – because of money – and/or unknown because of too little information that is really supportive and a large medical organ that only works with the regular medicine which is often used in a very ‘late state’ of the physical and/or mental discomfort. So most people do not learn to take care of themselves within their physical body at all. Actually the same as how we do not learn to take care of the largest physical body here –  which is Earth – and all the Life on it.

Within a Living Income Guaranteed there is money available for everyone to give self the physical support that one reguires, which includes the education that is needed to sustain in balance. There will be human beings who will give their effort to support others to learn how to bring this self-care into practise, not because they need the money to survive, but out of an interest and self-expression to support others as life to it’s utmost potential. Also animals can be supported in this way – while we can learn from the animals in return. This can all be combined with the knowledge and information that is common within the regular medicine. There is a lot of information and practical experience possible already, so much more than what the regular medicin organs are providing at the moment. It is only not subsidiated and so not availabe for most people.

This is something that needs to change which can be started within a proposal as the Living Income Guaranteed. It is part of our human rights, to have the ability, support and education to take care for ourselves and our physical body in the best way possible, from a starting point that is best for all life. If this starting-point is lived by all people, our so caled ‘health’ will become so much better, only already because we no longer need ‘to fight’ for our ‘right to live’ as how we are doing at the moment to have enough money to live from. The amount of ‘stress’ will reduce immediately which will give a lot of ‘room’ to our physical body to rebalance itself, together with the support of the basic needs that is available for everyone.

Investigate the Living Income Guaranteed and investigate the opportunity to get to know yourself as a human being with a mind consciousness system within a physical body. They will both provide solutions for a change within ourselves on earth. Which of course, is up to all of us to walk it into reality, to really make a change on earth.


Mogelijkheid tot wereldverandering met gelijke kansen voor ieder-een:
Leefbaar Inkomen Gegarandeerd:
Equal Life Foundation:
Proces van zelfverandering:

www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY
Proces van relatie naar agreement:
Zelfeducatie free:
Journey to Life:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
De Desteni Boodschap – Wat doen we ermee?:
Zelfvergeving als Toegift aan jeZelf:

Full spirituality under the microscope volume 2


Dag 484 – Inhouden van zelfexpressie door angst voor een tekort aan geld

image-2031318-varkenVoor context lees:

Dag 483 – Moeite doen

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb te zuchten en te steunen binnenin mezelf in en als een repeterende gedachte ten aanzien van het iedere dag opnieuw, ochtend en avond tabletjes fijn stampen en oplossen om aan de diertjes te geven ter ondersteuning van hun fysiek samen met de andere verzorgingswerkzaamheden die ze nodig hebben waarin ik mezelf in participatie in de gedachte niet direct gestopt heb maar pas een aantal dagen later na een gesprek met Witneus die aangeeft dat ze misschien wel ondersteuning wil ‘als het niet teveel moeite is’.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb geraakt te zijn door de onvoorwaardelijkheid als waarin Witneus aanwezig is in en als leven wat aangeeft dat ik zelf niet zo aanwezig ben in en als het fysiek.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf niet toegestaan en aanvaard heb onvoorwaardelijk aanwezig te zijn in en als het fysiek in en als de verzorging als wat het beste is voor en als leven, maar dat ik mezelf inhoud in en als de geest in participatie in een gedachte.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb mezelf in te houden in en als de geest in participatie in een gedachte.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb te denken dat het teveel moeite is om dag in dag uit het stampen van tabletjes voort te zetten, wat gekoppeld is aan een soort van angst waarin ik niet zie hoelang dit nodig is welke feitelijk weer gekoppeld is aan de kosten die ik maak voor de tabletjes en andere verzorging die de diertjes nodig hebben.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb angst te ervaren gekoppeld aan de kosten die ik maak, iedere keer dat ik de tabletjes fijn stamp en steeds opnieuw bemerk dat Roy er echt 2×2 per dag nodig heeft waarin zijn lijfje aardig stabiel is en dat als ik hierin verminder, binnen 1-2 dagen de klachten erger worden en het fysiek oncomfortabel wordt voor hem (welke duidelijk is in een piepen van pijn als hij plast en een nat buikje, welke sterk verminderen bij 2×2 tabletjes).

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb een angst te ervaren teveel te stimuleren in zijn lijfje met 2×2 tabletjes, terwijl keer op keer uit de test komt (die ik dus zelf af en toe toepas als ik na een aantal weken tot maanden het aantal  tabletjes iets verlaag) dat zijn lijfje het beste functioneert met 2×2 tabletjes en dat het goed mogelijk is dat dit zo zal zijn tot aan zijn overlijden.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb voorzichtig te zijn en mezelf in te houden in de toepassing als wat het beste is, in en als een angst dat de financiën niet toereikend zijn in de toekomst en ik wat het beste is, niet meer kan toepassen door een tekort en hierin dus ‘kort’ op het leven in en als het fysiek.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb het leven in en als het fysiek in te korten door participatie in en als angst in en als een inhouden van de toepassing van wat het beste is welke begint bij participatie in en als een gedachte.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb niet voluit te leven door geloof en participatie in gedachten over tekorten gekoppeld aan een eventueel tekort aan geld in de toekomst.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb te denken en geloven dat ik ‘leven kan sparen’ door voorzichtig te zijn en in te houden, net zoals ik geld kan sparen en bewaren en vast kan zetten op een bankrekening.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb leven vast te zetten in en als mezelf door in te houden in en als zelfexpressie, net zoals ik geld vastzet op een bankrekening.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb te denken en geloven dat ik leven kan sparen en vastzetten voor later, waarin en waardoor ik niet hier aanwezig ben en hoef te zijn en dus niet inzie hoe de wereld werkelijk in elkaar steekt.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb ‘nooit’ te weten of, als ik voluit in en als expressie ben en dit wordt niet gewaardeerd, er dan wordt ingehouden op geld waarvan ik moet leven door voedsel, huis etc te betalen en dus ben ik liever voorzichtig zodat ik niet teleurgesteld kan worden door opeens gekort te worden in en als de mogelijkheid tot leven.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb mezelf in en als leven te compromitteren door inhouden van en als zelfexpressie gekoppeld aan een geloof als angst dat geld is leven, wat ook zo gecreëerd is in deze wereld maar wat niet het uitgangspunt is/zou moeten zijn als wie ik ben in en als mezelf, in en als het fysiek, in en als leven als zelfexpressie.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb om mijn angst te projecteren op de diertjes en op mijn eigen lichaam als leven in en als het fysiek door moe te worden van taken van fysieke verzorging in en als de gedachte dat het ‘teveel moeite is’, wat niet zo is, het is een angst dat ik het niet kan voortzetten, het is een inhouden als controle op leven als wat het beste is in en als het fysiek, hier, in het moment, adem voor adem, dag voor dag ter voorkoming van een eventuele ervaring van teleurstelling in en als de geest.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb mezelf in te houden in en als controle in en als de geest in participatie in gedachten gevoelens en emoties ter voorkoming van een negatieve ervaring in en als de geest zoals bijvoorbeeld teleurstelling en zo dus, dag in dag uit, te participeren, leven en bewegen in deze cyclus van controle, gekoppeld aan tijd in een tijdlus in en als projectie op de toekomst.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb moe te worden van de angst als controle als inhouden van en als zelfexpressie als leven in en als het fysiek en hierin een gedachte als controle te manifesteren in en als mezelf als dat het teveel moeite is, welke ik vervolgens neig te geloven en als ik mezelf niet vergeef en corrigeer, ik hier zelf(s) naar ga leven door inhouden van leven als wat het beste is.

Wordt vervolgd

Full the heart of love


Mogelijkheid tot wereldverandering met gelijke kansen voor ieder-een:
Leefbaar Inkomen Gegarandeerd:
Equal Life Foundation:
Proces van zelfverandering:

www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY
Proces van relatie naar agreement:
Zelfeducatie free:
Journey to Life:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
De Desteni Boodschap – Wat doen we ermee?:
Zelfvergeving als Toegift aan jeZelf:



Dag 405 – Verwachting van financiele steun

Ik zie in mezelf hoe ik er vanuit ben gegaan dat bijvoorbeeld mijn ouders mij financieel steunen (wat ze veel hebben gedaan en nog af en toe doen) en ondertussen bezie ik mezelf als minderwaardig doordat ik maar net of net niet voldoende geld ‘verdien’ om rond te komen en me hierin en hierom in eniger mate afhankelijk opstel van in dit geval mijn ouders.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb ervan uit te gaan dat mijn ouders mij financieel steunen en dat zij dat graag doen.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb er vanuit te gaan dat mijn ouders mij financieel zullen steunen en dat zij dit graag doen omdat ik toch hun dochter ben.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb er vanuit te gaan dat ‘graag doen’ en ‘dochter’ een eenheid vormen.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb met twee maten te meten op die vierkante meter, waarin ik aan de ene kant gebruik wil maken van hun ‘loyaliteit jegens hun dochter’ en aan de ander kant gelijk wil staan dus niet in de rol als dochter.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf niet toegestaan en aanvaard heb gelijk te gaan staan als mezelf jegens mijn ouders door mijn afhankelijkheid van geld en angst hierin om onvoldoende geld bij elkaar te krijgen om van te leven.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb mezelf als minderwaardig te zien door deze ongelijke houding in en als afhankelijkheid binnenin mezelf.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb walging te ervaren (= angst = een gedachte = oordeel) binnenin mezelf ten opzichte van mezelf, in mijn tweeslachtigheid ten aanzien van mijn ouders in en als manipulatie in en als de geest gerelateerd aan geld.

Ik vergeef mezelf dat ik mezelf toegestaan en aanvaard heb mezelf te laten leiden door de waarde van de geest van binnen als/door geld van buiten, in plaats van mezelf richting te geven in en als leven in gelijkheid en zelfwaardigheid.

Zelfcorrecties volgen

DAY 1: Who I Am as Money


Mogelijkheid tot wereldverandering met gelijke kansen voor ieder-een:
Leefbaar Inkomen Gegarandeerd:
Equal Life Foundation:
Proces van zelfverandering:

www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY
Proces van relatie naar agreement:
Zelfeducatie free:
Journey to Life:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
De Desteni Boodschap – Wat doen we ermee?:
Zelfvergeving als Toegift aan jeZelf:

Dag 359 – Porn – What is the Question we should ask?

Living Income Quaranteed

In the discussion about the porn-scene, there is often spoken about the ‘line’ of what is abusive and what not. How rough the sex is, if the woman did agree on it, and within this if the woman was informed about what would happen before she agreed on it and if she had a possibility to stop if it was not what she expected and she could not handle it. So actually the questions that are asked within this, are all about what is allowed and what not Within the total allowance of Pornography.

The point in this is: aren’t we asking the wrong question? The question is manipulating the outcome as the answer.

We have to see beyond the balance of this ‘thin line’ of acceptances and allowances Within pornography. What should be questioned, is the existence of Pornography as a Whole. We are so ‘used to’ the existence of porn, that we do not even look anymore why it exist in the first place, what it is in this world that caused us to Watch Other People Having Sex, from soft ways to the most horrific ways we can imagine. Isn’t this The question in itself?

What causes us to watch porn as other people having sex? Because, the demand determines the product, so the question why porn exist is simple: because there is a demand so it is a way to make money. So, if you are watching porn:  you are contributing to and keeping in place the whole porn-industry in relation to money.  You really think the porn ‘stars’ would do this job if there was no money involved? Get real. Would you do this?

So this is the first thing to realise, porn is here because people are making money of it and we are all dependent on money to live,  and money is not equally distributed so we are all living in and as a survival mode. Sex as how it is used in the porn-scene is a way of surviving, to earn money. The porn-industry is making advantage of this. Within this, the point of ‘free choice’ in participating in the porn-industry is seen from a totally different perspective, which shows: there is No free choice in this, there is only need for survival.

Second thing is the act of sex in itself.

Why are we watching to other people having sex? Isn’t sex just a physical act, firstly implanted to reproduce, just as animals do, and secondly usefull as a support to become more physical, to enjoy physical touch and interaction, if and when it is applied in a way that is supportive to the physical body and where in people that are involved agree equally, without any manipulation applied, which means they should be totally aware of what they are doing. To be totally aware of what we are doing before we make the decision to have sex, we should be educated in this. And who in the world is Really educated in the principles of having sex in a pleasurely and respective way? Are you? Who did teach you this? The porn movie that you watched, which is produced to make money and where there is ‘free choise’ of how abusive one like to watch it?

The point is, we don’t know what we are doing while we are having sex. We actually have no idea. Most just start doing this because the whole world is making a lot of noise about this, combined with hormonal changes inside our body around the age of 14, which are activated and making us feeling restless. Within this, first thing we ‘learn’ in this world, is that we have to ‘do’ something with these activated hormones, and if we don’t, we are ‘missing out’ on something. This something means ‘sex’. We learn that we miss something if we do not have sex. So, in essence, we learn to have sex to make us ‘feel better’ than who we are without having sex. This in itself implies that sex is Used, so abused to ‘reach something’, which is a ‘better feeling’ about ourselves. This is called Self-interest.

Did we need sex when we were a young child? No. It is activated. I am not saying that we should not have sex. I am saying, that we have to really investigate what sex contains, that we have to be educated in this and educate the ones that come after us. That we are not ‘more or less’ when having sex or not having sex. There is no ‘free choise’ in this, we are all addicted to this search for ‘feeling better’ about ourselves.

And porn is made to feed this, and at the same time making money out of it, which makes the ones who make money out of it, ‘feel better’ or ‘more powerfull’, and within this using the ones who ‘choose’ to involve because they need the money to survive.

It is not ‘normal’ to watch other people having sex, just because we like it. If you could choose, would you choose to watch other people having sex or would you choose to do it yourself? Are you watching at movies that you know are really abusive if you would act this movie out in reality? So you choose to ‘watch this’ other people doing on a screan? Why are these people doing this? Because of your demand for it; you buy it, they get money for it. So actually, porn stars are acting out on all the hidden fantasies of human beings who are willing to pay money for it.

If we donot watch porn, but have imagines in our head during masturbation or having sex, this is exactly the same. It is all connected to each other in the same Mind Consiousness System. And we are all contributing to this. We ‘think’ it is harmless to make pictures in our head, but it is not. And this is what we should seriously be educated in. Only this education can make us see how we All are equally responsible for the large abuse that happen in this world, which is all related to the area of money and sex. And deep down, we know this, otherwise we would not hide it. We only don’t understand How it is related. If you deny, you are not self-honest and you want to move on only for and within your self-interest. Which is a serious problem.

If you see the common sense in this article and you find yourself addicted to for example watching porn-movies – also the so called ‘innocent’ ones – know that there is support to understand and stop this addiction. Know that honesty seeing into self in this, and saying, hey, I see I have a problem here, I only don’t know what to do about it, this is self-honest and it takes courage to do this and to do something about it.

There is a lot of free material available to start educating yourself. It is a lot, so just start and take on one by one. Allow yourself to free yourself from this addiction, as any addiction is only making us feel better for a very short time and it makes us feeling worse afterwards, and this feeling worse will enlarge. This is how addiction works, and we know it.

If you have the chance – meaning if you have acces to internet, which you have, otherwise you would not be able to read this article – educate yourself, and within this, stand up for a world that is free from all sorts of abuse, related to sex and money.

To all people who are just having ‘innocent’ pictures in the head of wanting to have sex with the lovely neighbour or handsome colleague, and for the rest having a ‘stable’ life with enough money to live from and for example a happy marriage and kids; also: educate yourself.  You, We, are the ones that are able in the first place to stand up. Exactly just because of being relative ‘stable’, it is possible to start with the self-support Right Now. Stand up for Life on Earth, stop the allowance of abuse related to money and sex and be a part of the solution. If we all do so, this world will be a total different place, as a place where we all are willing to live and contribute; if we all give as we would like to receive.


Porn Addicts Journey to Life:


Desteni Forum for support:


Free interviews:

What is Sex:






Shocking Secrets of Masturbation:


The Metaphysical Sectrets of Imagination:






The Soul of Money:






Parenting: Perfecting the Human Race:






Full what is sex introduction


Mogelijkheid tot wereldverandering met gelijke kansen voor ieder-een:
Equal Life Foundation:
Proces van zelfverandering:

www.lite.desteniiprocess.com  GRATIS ONLINE CURSUS MET BUDDY
Proces van relatie naar agreement:
Zelfeducatie free:
Journey to Life:
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven
7 jaar dagelijks schrijven – Dag 1 – Van ziel naar Leven
video: 2012: Nothingness – The 7 year process Birthing Self as Life
De Desteni Boodschap – Wat doen we ermee?:
Zelfvergeving als Toegift aan jeZelf: